Look around the area before planting a tree.

            In one of my previous blogs. I wrote about how important it is to look around and make sure the tree that you are planting doesn’t turn into a problem as they are growing. Some trees will grow to be 200 feet tall, which is not a very good fit if you’re planting the tree under a 30’ powerline. Tree limbs in powerlines can be a very dangerous and deadly combination for humans and animals. Trees can grow into the sides and roofs of buildings causing very costly damage. It seems to me that it would be better to plant the right kind of tree in the right spot in the first place.

             In this blog, I’m writing about the obstacles that are below the ground. These obstacles could be a variety of things like a drain field, septic tank, water lines, underground powerlines, city sewer, or water. When planting a tree, you must be aware of all things above and below the ground. If you live in the Yakama area and have questions about what is below the ground on your property the number that you can call is 811.

            Many trees and bushes have just as much growth underground as they have growth above ground. This kind of root system can cause some major damage to the pipes, wires, and cement. If you plant too close to a foundation, septic tank, or sidewalk eventually there will be a problem with roots growing under or into the cement and causing the cement to fail. These problems can be very expensive to repair.       

            The only way to fix this kind of problem is to remove the tree dig up all the roots along with the damaged materials and start from scratch. Along with being very expensive can also be inconvenient not having working septic or not having power or water going to your house.

            To keep digging up the problem areas without taking the trees out is a big waste of time. Some sewer companies can run an auger through the septic or sewer lines if the roots aren’t grown in too badly. But this is also only a temporary fix. The roots will grow back and you will have the same problem again.

We can handle a variety of tasks, big or small. Tree trimming, tree planting, tree, and brush pruning, tree and brush removal, and stump grinding. Here at Black Sheep Tree Service, we are some of the bests in the business and will leave your property looking as good or better than it was when they showed up.  You will be glad that you contacted us!

Remember my suggestions when you are getting ready to plant a tree. Trees grow faster than you expect and can cause you some real problems if they are planted in the wrong place, or if you plant the wrong kind of tree where they don’t belong. Remember plant the right kind of tree in the right spot the first time and save your self some grief in the future. 


Fire Danger


Tree Removal, Yakima